ok…I have a couple thousand pics from the internet…so i’ll share a few here since my last post was so serious…so, enjoy these classics from the ‘net…

0ef3db7038d031f5576f001561b4fb8b 3yr old shopping list 4d019bd3_34957_funny-pictures-kfc-chicken-stilts-f 6fa16a6c56b081b52ada73bf5004b46a 7 dwarfs of menopause 2 carrot ring 12in subs 15 2015 - 1 201452aca2049b59945347_high_res 303489de87eee3408c1593a9884a827274dd5cc1ed478e2d1c0603db36496fa9 74805115 170837870 756554641 970552451 another babysitter pic baby baby relaying news about cooties baby oil bad hangover bad hair day bad hare day batman beet rooots being kidnapped